Wow, it has been a long time. Things have really changed and I know now why I was headed down that dark tunnel and what it took to get out. It took work. It took taking action and doing something. I had been truly sitting home for 97% of my time on the internet and watching TV and my soul was dying while at the same time yearning to "do". I believe in doing, in moving, in progressing. Since I wrote last I got a job at PolicyTech, part-time and I enrolled in school; one class a semester and EVERYTHING has changed. I have changed! My outlook on life is positive and happy and forward looking. One of the greatest miracles is that as I started back into school I was told by the University that I was going to have to basically start from scratch and that all the classes I had taken, 64 credits, didn't count anymore. What a knock down but I could either just start again or not at all and where would I be next year if I didn't start at all, so I started. After my first semester I went into the credit counseling center (or whatever the ^&*( they call it) and visited about where to go and through several steps I got a legitimate credit audit and what do you know but they accepted all my credits from earlier and I only needed one more class to get my Associates degree. What if I would have never started but let the monumental-ness of the situation stop me?? Miracles!
I haven't not felt this good about myself for a long time. I am working hard at work. I have been open and honest about what I want to do (and don't want to do) and they are working very well with me. I am taking a Math 108 class that is really hard for me but I am putting in the time and working hard and I love it! I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!
Lesson: if you are in a slump and feeling horrible about yourself, others, life, whatever...get up and move! Do something scary. Do something hard for you. Do something that you've wanted to do. It will help, if not, make all the difference and what ever you do is different from what others would do and they will be sure to let you know but you forge ahead knowing that it's your life and you can trust yourself to know what is right for you.
A couple of great quotes for this entry:
What would I do if I weren't afraid?
Life does not come with a remote, you have to GET UP and make the change yourself.
GET UP and GET MOVING! (Thanks Richard Simmons:)